November 12, 2013. Well, once again we have been told where to go. Our cause seems to be not worthy of recognition. There was not a word in the Throne Speech today about opening the adoption records. I would love to talk to the people in charge of "studying and reviewing" this matter just to see what they are doing. From what I can see, they are doing nothing. When will we get a Minister who takes an interest in their portfolio and comes out honestly and discusses what is happening. You can't talk to them directly, they hide in their offices, and don't reply to correspondence. What are they there for?
If I sound discouraged, I am. After 12 years of niceties, and political gibberish I think I am done with being Mr. Nice Guy. I might as well tell them the way I see it.
I sent the Premier and the Minister an e-mail. quote: THANKS AGAIN, for nothing unquote