The spring 2014 session of the legislature will open on March 6, 2014. We are expecting (hoping) that there will be an bill presented to open the past adoption records. I wrote the new Minister of Family Services the Hon. Kerri Irvin-Ross in late October 2013 but have yet to receive an answer. I can only suppose that she is still learning her new job and will do what is right. I just hope she doesn't take her directions from those unelected bureaucrats who have been studying this issue for many years and seem to be intentionally delaying the process.
Other provinces have opened past adoption records and have all the legislation and regulations written. Why can't the Manitoba government copy these, make minor changes if they find necessary, and change our Act? Sounds very uncomplicated, easy to do, can be done quickly, but this theory seems to boggle the minds of these individuals.
When the records are opened a lot of control will be lost to those handling the files. I am sure this will not sit well with some of them. While many staff are trying to help, there seems to be some who love having that control. (I know who your birthmother is, but I won't tell you. This information is for me to know, not you. I can read your personal file, but you can't.)
I am sure if there is an announcement it will be made with a lot of political rhetoric, chest thumping, and soft soapy words. Just Do It.
My comments may sound like sarcasm, but it is the way I feel. Unfortunately sarcasm is lost on a lot of people.